Cloud Computing: Boon or Curse?

Cloud computing is a  new  form  of  computing technology and functions on web server, managed remotely and  focuses  on  service.  This technology  is  mainly  responsible for providing infrastructure as a service (IaaS),  platform  as  a  service  (PaaS)  and  software  as  a  service  (SaaS) to others and ensures all infrastructure and software  applications  are  flexible,  dynamic  and  usable  for  others. The cloud may deal with different services and applications such as  web  hosting, institutional  repository,  email,  mail server,  data storage,  online  meetings  &  web conferences, and many  more. 

Libraries throughout the world has also started using  cloud  computing  for  managing  e-resources access,  web  application  hosting,  online  public  access catalogue,  managing  digital  libraries,  hosting  different statistical software and data sets etc. This technology may help to reduce the involvement of huge cost, save manpower efforts, provide  platform  to  library  users  to  browse resources  with  ease  and  utilize  different  library  services online.  This study  has  been  carried  out  to  analyze  the impact of cloud based services in library and to understand whether cloud computing is being considered as a curse or boon. This study will help to know about cloud computing and  it  is  relevant to  libraries  in  order  to  implement the cloud technology and benefit the institutions.

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